“An old Shirt and A New Name” Is a heartwarming story of love,
curiosity, mischief, and how lost things can be
re-discovered in the most unexpected ways. Watch how one small
kitten’s adoption stitches a tapestry of countless tales.
“Buttons’ Backyard Treasure Hunt” Continues Buttons’ story as he gradually settles in with his new family and home. Guided by curiosity, Buttons steps outside for the first time, discovering exciting surprises that spark his imagination and turn a patchwork of moments into an unforgettable adventure.
"This is an adorable story written about adopting a kitty! While it’s great for kids younger than six, its graphic novel book style makes it great for older readers who may read at a lower reading level. I can’t wait to get the sequels for my son and for my classroom! "
"Such a cute kitty adoption story and with a really cool illustration style to accompany it. Perfect for the little ones under six. Looking forward to more books in the series!"
"This is a wonderful story about a kitten's adoption. It is great for children learning to read. Love the vibrant colors and the characters wonderful expressions. My nieces and nephews loved the book!"
If you've ever visited the Nevada Humane Society you may recognize a few iconic designs that have been woven into the beginning of the Stitched tales story. Just a little touch that I couldn't pass up. Check out the video to see if you can spot them.
Thank you @washoecountylibrary Local Author Fest was amazing. Got to meet a lot of really talented authors and talk with a lot of people about my book. Even sold more copies than I was expecting. (Special thanks to everyone who bought a copy) The staff worked really hard bringing us all water and snacks and overall it was a great first experience. I hope this event was a big success for the library and that we get to have another one next year. Thanks again @washoecountylibrary
Our setup from our first author event. We had lots of stickers, book marks, and activities for kids that we got to give away.